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KGH Illustrates (opens in a new window)

A website for a wedding stationer and illustrator. The site also provides a couple of contact forms.

The front-end is a static Gatsby JS(opens in a new window) React site. Lots of images are used in the site due to the graphical nature of the business. Gatsby JS's image plugin(opens in a new window) provided an easy way to resize, crop and compress images. It also provides support for lazy-loading images on scroll. This ensured the site remained performant. Gatsby JS also handles "non-functional" features like site maps, favicons and Google Analytics.

The front-end is styled using Tailwind CSS(opens in a new window). This provided a really fast way to get the site built. Small React components provide the semantic meaning that is lost when using utility-first CSS frameworks. All of the styling, markup and functionality is in the same JSX file which makes development easier.

The site's front-end is hosted using AWS Amplify static hosting(opens in a new window), which is a wrapper around AWS CloudFront(opens in a new window) and AWS S3(opens in a new window).

The contact forms are implemented using a number of AWS services. The browser accesses an AWS API Gateway(opens in a new window) via the AWS Amplify JavaScript SDK(opens in a new window). The gateway invokes an AWS Lambda function(opens in a new window) that places a message on an AWS SQS(opens in a new window) instance. Another AWS Lambda function(opens in a new window) then polls the queue and uses AWS SES(opens in a new window) to send an email.

The code is hosted in AWS CodeCommit(opens in a new window). Continious deployment is implemtented using AWS Amplify(opens in a new window). The domain and DNS is managed via AWS Route 53(opens in a new window).

 JS  Gastby  Tailwind CSS  AWS Amplify  AWS Lambda  AWS API Gateway  AWS SQS  AWS SES

Akka Testing Helpers (opens in a new window)

Classes that help you test the relationships between your Akka actors in both unit and integration tests. For more information please see my blog post here.

 C#  Akka.NET

Test Helpers (opens in a new window)

A class to randomly generate values. Useful for unit tests. Powered by AutoFixture. Can be configured per instance or globally.
